Althea x Get It Beauty The Real Fresh Detoxers

by - 11:33:00 PM

Holla, ma belle! Back with me, Nanda!
Good news! Althea Korea is Back for Indonesian Beauties Junkie!

Iya, jadi seneng banget kan sekarang kita udah bisa belanja di Althea lagi.
Oh ya ngomong-ngomong soal belanja di Althea, kalian sudah pada tahu belum bahwa ada produk yang lagi disukain banget nih di Althea.

Althea x Get It Beauty The Real Fresh Detoxers

Photo by Althea Korea's Instagram

Yups, Althea Korea did a product collaboration with Korea's top TV programs, Get It Beauty, called the Real Fresh Skin Detoxers. And here is the video that the Korean beauty influencer Minsco and K-pop star Jeonghwa who's a member of EXID experience with the Skin Detoxers!

Jadi Real Fresh Skin Detoxers tersebut terdapat dua varian, pertama ada Green Tea

Photo by Althea Korea's Instagram

Dan satunya lagi ada varian Rose.

Photo by Althea Korea's Instagram

Wah aku sendiri jadi pengen juga nyobain keduanya. Mungkin di orderan selanjutnya, akan aku checkout deh hehe. So, get yours by click here

Oh ya, udah tau belum regulasi baru mengenai cara order menggunakan Althea Korea, berikut gambarannya:

Sekian dulu ya sharing kali ini, semoga teracuni bersama sama haha.

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